T'iksk (language)

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Labial Labiodental Alveolar Post-alveolar Velar Uvular Glottal
Plosive Voiceless p ‹p› t ‹t› k ‹k› q ‹q› ʔ ‹'›
Voiced b ‹b› d ‹d›
Ejective p' ‹p'› t' ‹t'› k' ‹k'› q' ‹q'›
Nasal m ‹m› n ‹n›
Fricative Voiceless f ‹f› s ‹s› ʃ ‹sh› x ‹x› h ‹h›
Voiced v ‹v› z ‹z› ʒ ‹zh›
Affricates Voiceless ts ‹ts› tʃ ‹ch› ks ‹ks›
Voiced dz ‹dz› dʒ ‹j›
Ejective ts' ‹ts'› tʃ' ‹ch'› ks' ‹ks'›
Rhotic r ‹r›

Length of all consonants apart from plosives and affricates is phonemic.


Front Back
High i o
Low a

Vowel length and height, represented using the acute accent ‹´›, are phonemic.


Ejectives and coronal fricatives (all except /x/ and /h/), and /r/, may be syllabic. All syllables must have a consonant onset. Consonant clusters are common: there are few to no restrictions across syllable boundaries, and within a single onset or coda any combination of one coronal and one dorsal consonant may exist. A nasal in a cluster must be closest to the nucleus.



T'iksk is a near-perfect representation of a head-final language.


The only inflection upon nouns is the plural suffix -ists, or -rists if the root ends in a vowel, ejective, or coronal fricative.

Verbs are inflected for the following tense, aspect, and voice:

  • Past: -st
  • Progressive: -zn
  • Passive: k'-

The clitic li'- also exists for the future tense, derived from the particle líx which precedes the verb.



Case is inflected upon the article, which may be definite or indefinite; or upon a possessive pronoun. Cases are nominative and accusative (non-nominative).

Nominative Accusative
Definite t'in din
Indefinite is iz
1 ch'ip jib
2 k'it kid
3 p'at bad

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